| Agricultural Engineering | Public Relations Officer | Enquiries | | | stoltze@arc.agric.za | (012) 842 4017 | Silverton, Pretoria |
| Agricultural Engineering | Irrigation | Equipment and systems | * Irrigation practices and techniques; * Development, testing and evaluation of irrigation equipment; * In-field evaluations of performance of irrigation systems; * Improvement of existing designs, practices and established irrigation
methods; * Soil and water conservation structures and systems; * Silt fences to combat erosion. | | DhavuK@arc.agric.za | (012) 842 4009 | Silverton, Pretoria |
| Agricultural Engineering | Renewable energy | Equipment and systems | * Renewable energy facilities, equipment and systems; * Biogas, wind/hydro power and solar systems; * Methane
potential testing sytems.
| | chiyanzui@arc.agric.za | (012) 842 4044 | Silverton, Pretoria |
| Agricultural Engineering | Agricultural Structures and Facilities | Equipment and systems | * Appropriate animal production facilities, equipment and systems; * Farm structures, facilities and equipment; * Climate controlled structures and facilities. | | swanepoelf@arc.agric.za | (012) 842 4066 | Silverton, Pretoria |
| Agricultural Engineering | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Equipment and systems | * Evaluation, development and design of product processing & value-adding equipment, facilities and systems; * Engineering design and advice on post-harvest aspects (storage, cooling, drying and handling facilities). | | sibandas@arc.agric.za | (012) 842 4048 | Silverton, Pretoria |
| Agricultural Engineering | Mechanisation and Precision Agriculture | Equipment and systems | * Specialised electronic units to assist researchers in achieving their goals; * Electronic equipment and systems for the agricultural environment; * Precision farming electronic equipment utilization possibilities; * Essential
oils testing systems.
| | yut@arc.agric.za | (012) 842 4090 | Silverton, Pretoria |
| Agrimetrics | Agricultural Economics | Interdisciplinary R&D | * Timely research
support on specific projects | | NgcoboN1@arc.agric.za | 012 427 9712/063 656 9908 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Agricultural Economics | Monitoring and Evaluation, Farm Assessment, Interdisciplinary R&D | Farm assessment, project management | | aartjan@arc.agric.za | (012) 427 9866/0845053647 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Statistical consultation | Scientific data | * Statistical experimental planning; * Data analysis,interpretation and representation of results; * Assistance with writing statistical procedures in reports, theses and publications; * Statistical training courses and workshops. | | MathebulaE@arc.agric.za | (012) 427 9816 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Statistical consultation | Scientific data | * Statistical experimental planning and design; * Univariate and multivariate statistical methods; * Assistance with writing statistical procedures in reports, theses and publications; and * Statistical training courses and workshops. | | VanDerRijstM@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3526 | Stellenbosch |
| Agrimetrics | Agricultural Economics | Scientific data | * Advise in conducting research, development and technology dissemination
projects; * Determine the economic impact of reseach initiatives; * Economic and social analytical techniques; and * Impact assessment studies.
| | ChaminukaP@arc.agric.za | (012) 427 9834 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Biometrics | Scientific data | * Consultation and data analysis; * Regression, crop estimation and general agricultural statistics; * Experimental design; * Univariate and multivariate statistical methods; * Crop yield probability recommendations; * SAS IML matrix programming; and * Basic and article writing courses. | | cochranen@arc.agric.za | 0846011258 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Biometrics | Scientific data | * Experimental design; * Univariate and multivariate statistical methods; * Sensory and consumer data; * Plant disease data; * Horticultural data; and * Multi trial data analysis | | MoreyL@arc.agric.za | (012) 427 9812 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Biometrics | Scientific data | * Experimental design; * Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate statistical methods; * Designing questionnaires; * Design and analysing data for quantitative and qualitative survey research; and * Econometric data analysis. | | NgwaneC@arc.agric.za | (012) 427 9811 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Biometrics | Scientific data | * Design and analysis of experiments; * Data exploration using Pivot tables; and * Designing and analysing survey data. | | MathebulaE@arc.agric.za | (012) 427 9816 | Central Office, Hatfield, Pta |
| Agrimetrics | Biometrics | Scientific data | * Design and analysis of experiments; * Exploratory multivariate statistical techniques for multidimensional data; and * Designing and analysing questionnaires. | | NtusheloN@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3521 | Stellenbosch |
| Agrimetrics | Biometrics | Scientific data | * Experimental design; * Multi trial data analysis; * Genetic and Psychological data analysis; * Univariate and multivariate statistical methods. | | BooyseM@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3527 | Stellenbosch |
| Agro-processing | Product development | Vegetable and medicinal plants | Research and product development | | arendsee@arc.agric.za | 012 808 8411 | ARC-VIMP, Roodeplaat, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Animal Genetics/Genomics | Biotechnology Platform | * Sunflower breeding; * Genetics, genomics and genetic engineering for
yield, oil quality, and other traits; * Biofuel production and processing.
| | SwanevelderD@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9472 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Toxicology | Food/Feed | * Feed Safety - mycotoxin research
| | phokuj@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9256 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Toxicology | Food/Feed | * Genetic Toxicology * In vitro toxicity and natural products isolation * Toxicology Diagnostics
| | elgorashie@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9260 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Taxonomy | Insects | * Culicoides identification, taxonomy and surveillance * Repellent testing using UV light traps * General biting fly identification. | | labuschagnek@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9177 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | | | BofeloF@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9274/3/2 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Vaccine Production | Livestock diseases | * Foot and Mouth Vaccines
- Antigen Production
| | PetaF@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9577 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Vaccine Production | Livestock diseases | * Foot and Mouth vaccines - Tissue culture services
| | VanStadenL@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9576 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Vaccine Production | Livestock diseases | * Tick-borne disease live blood vaccines
| | TroskieC@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9436 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Molecular diagnostics - African Horse Sickness
| | VanSchalkwykA1@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9108 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Development of potential molecular diagnostic assays * Growth of viruses in cell culture * Testing reagents for use as diagnostic tools * Producing potential reagents for diagnostic tools (purified virus, DNA, RNA)
| | RotherhamL@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9250 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Viral Diagnostics: - Virus isolation and neutralisation test - Haemaglutination inhibition - Agar gel immunodiffusion - ELISA
| | LubisiA@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9233 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Viral Diagnostics: - Complement Fixation Test - Agar gel immunodiffusion Test - Haemaglutination inhibition Test
| | BogatsuM@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9109 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Quality control | Livestock diseases | * ISO17025 - Implementation * ISO17025 - Auditing
| | LubisiA@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9233 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Bacterial serology | Livestock diseases | * Bacterial Serology Diagnostics * Brucellosis, Dourine & CBPP * Leptospirosis | | PottsA@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9396 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Bacterial zoonoses and diagnostics | Livestock diseases | * Molecular diagnostics of bacterial diseases: Q- fever, Anthrax, Campylobacteriosis, Brucellosis, Salmonellosis, Clostridial diseases etc. * Food borne diseases/pathogens * Non tuberculous mycobacteria | | Gceben@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9138 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Bacterial zoonoses and diagnostics | Livestock diseases | * Bacterial isolation and identification * Bacterial typing * Identification of zoonotic bacterial pathogen * Antimicrobial profiling of bacterial pathogens
| | Matlei@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9137 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Biosafety/ Biosecurity | Livestock diseases | * Biosafety and Biosecurity | | LubisiA@arc.agric.za or KekanaH@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9233/9114 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Diagnostics and epidemiology of Tuberculosis & Johne's disease
| | HlokweT@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9149/452 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Molecular diagnostics of viral and other veterinary pathogens | | RomitoM@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9252 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Molecular Diagnostics - Corridor disease - Characterization of Theileria parva using next generation sequencing | | bpule@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9217 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Diagnostics and Epidemiology of blood-borne parasites * Genomics of protozoa * Tick biology, taxonomy and systematics * Tick genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics | | mansb@arc.agric.za or VolschenkR@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9200/9168 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Epidemiology | Livestock diseases | * Field based disease investigation
| | LubisiA@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9233 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Mirobiology | Livestock diseases | * Rabies Diagnostics and Research - validation of serological and molecular assays - virus characterisation - vaccine assessment
| | NgoepeE@arc.agric.za or PhahladiraB@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9439/9448/9477 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock diseases | * Analysis of anti-nutritive and toxic factors in feeds and plants
| | MawelaKG@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9261 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Animal Genetics/Genomics | Livestock diseases | * Tick Identification, sequencing & phylogenetics
| | BakkesD@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9302 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Vaccine Production | Livestock diseases | * Heartwater vaccines development * Tissue cultures & Antigen production
| | MolepoLC@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9293 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Risk assessment | Livestock/Aquaculture/Wild Life | * Chemistry & Pollution Risk Assessment * Food and Feed Safety * New Method Development & Validations * Residue Analysis- Antibiotics, Veterinary drugs, Mycotoxins * Pesticides and Environmental Contaminants * Risk Assessment, Exposure Analysis and Remediation
| | elgorashie@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9260 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock/Wildlife | * Research on helminths of wildlife; * Helminth diagnostics; * Curation of National Collection of Animal Helminths
| | junkerk@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9215 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Livestock/Wildlife | * Transboundary Animal Diseases Diagnostics * Transboundary Animal Diseases Research - Foot and mouth Disease - African swine fever - Peste des petits ruminants)
| | HeathL@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9501 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Vaccines | * Collection and storage of Specimen * Biobanking and Tissue culture services * Training * Laboratory Management Systems & PACS custodian
| | ManyapyeP@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9145 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Vaccines | * Epidemiology & Heartwater diagnostics * Cell cultures * Amblyomma hebraeum tick breeding and infection with heartwater | | steynh@arc.agric.za | (012) 5299 205 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Vaccines | * Foot-and-Mouth Disease: - Epitope mapping for improved vaccine design - Molecular development of improved diagnostic tests - Development and validation of FMD diagnostic tests for small ruminants | | storeyp@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9594/84 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Molecular biology | Vaccines | * Veterinary vaccine and diagnostic development: - Cloning. PCR. Nucleic acid extraction & Cell culture techniques - Virus isolation and purification - Vaccine development for Lumpy skin disease - Recombinant vaccine generation - Internal quality auditing of SANAS accredited ARC-OVR diagnostic laboratories. | | karap@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9408 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Molecular biology | Vaccines | * Veterinary vaccine and diagnostic development: - Cloning, cell culture, protein expression & animal trials. | | MatherA@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9236 or 072 246 6799 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Serology/Immunochemistry | Vaccines | * Recombinant antibodies * Vaccine research support and monitoring * Immuno-diagnostic development
| | vanwyngaardtw@arc.agric.za, fehrsenj@arc.agric.za or wemmers@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9224/9257 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Epidemiology | Vaccines | * Vaccine Production, Epidemiology & Immunology * Vector Biology and ecology (Argasid Ticks)
| | HeathL@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9501 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Vaccines | * Vectored livestock vaccine development * Diagnostic test development support * Epidemiology of livestock diseases * OIE Reference Laboratory expert for lumpy skin disease
| | WallaceD@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9442 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Diagnostic services | Vaccines | * Bacterial- and Comparative genomics * Identification of vaccine candidates
| | LiebenbergJ@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9229 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Health | Cellular Immunology | Vaccines | * Experts in immune transcriptomics analyses and interpretation of immune responses induced in large animal models by vaccines or pathogen infection. * Immune assays: LPA; ELISPOT; Phenotypic analyses on flow cytometry * Vaccine design: Identification of immune epitopes; DNA vaccines; nano vaccines
| | Pretoriusal@arc.agric.za, Theman@arc.agric.za, FaberE@arc.agric.za or vankleefm@arc.agric.za | (012) 529 9214/9280/9425/9385 | Onderstepoort, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Beef Cattle Improvement | Beef Cattle |
* Performance
information, breeding values & value added
management information. | | Ben@arc.agric.za | (012) 627 9052 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Dairy Cattle Improvement | Dairy Cattle |
* Performance
information, breeding values & value added
management information. | | DWaalH@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3516 | Stellenbosch |
| Animal Production | Public Relations Officer | Enquiries | | | Uorffer@arc.agric.za | 012 6729391 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Aquaculture | Fisheries |
* Project planning, management
& implementation of community mobilization; * Identify and evaluate opportunities in liaison with local government and community structures. | | ThaelaMJ@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9316 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Meat Science and Technology | Food and beverage products | | | MunhuweyiK@arc.agric.za | 012 6729212 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Food Science and Technology | Food/Feed | ARC Irene Analytical Services Product analysis & chemical and microbiological analysis ARC Elsenburg - Eastern and
Western Cape * Chemical and microbiological analysis;
* Compositional analysis of milk; Sensory laboratory * Sensory evaluation; * Quantitative Descriptive Analysis; * Consumer sensory evaluation; * Shelf live stability tests; * Comparative product analysis; * Statistical interpretation of results & consultations | | MatandabuzoM@arc.agric.za | 012 672-9203 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Planted Pastures | Forage |
* Forage production and
management; * Forage plant breeding and evaluation; * Screening and maintenance of National Forage Genebank. | | JTjelele@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9314 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Animal Breeding | Livestock |
* Operation
models for national and genetic evaluation systems of livestock; * Reproduction, growth & carcass
traits; * Applying animal breeding to
animal production systems; * Routine estimation of breeding values. | | MMakgahlela@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9282 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Animal Genetics/Genomics | Livestock |
* DNA profiling for parentage
analysis; * Animal forensics; * Testing for genetic defects & advantageous
genetic characteristics; * Genetic structure
and diversity of livestock & game; * Identification of useful genes in livestock. | | Pranisha@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9218 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Animal Genetics/Genomics | Livestock |
*Cryo-preservation technology; * Computer Aided Sperm Analysis(CASA) system; * In-situ and ex-situ
conservation of genetic resources; * In vitro and in vivo embryo
production, multiple ovulation, embryo transfer and splitting; * Oogenesis, spermatogenesis,
nuclear transfer and intracytoplasmic sperm injection; * Genetic characterization of indigenous
livestock and poultry. | | MMakgahlela@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9282 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Meat Science and Technology | Meat Quality | | | HopJonesM@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9296 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Meat Science and Technology | Meat Quality | * Meat Technology - processed meat product yield and quality; - development on products. | | MoholisaE1@arc.agric.za | 012 6729324 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Meat Science and Technology | Microbiology | | | SLanga@arc.agric.za | 012 6729021 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Rangeland ecology/management | Rangelands | Rangeland Ecology * Ecology of Biomes * Savanna Ecosystem dynamics * Climate change & Ecosystem services * Sustainable utilization of game ranches & protected areas Rangeland management, monitoring & restoring
| | JTjelele@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9314 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Animal Production | Animal Nutrition | Ruminants |
* Conventional
and unconventional feeding systems; * Evaluation of feed additives
that support efficiency and health; * Nutritional
requirements; * Optimization of feed intake & digestive efficiency; * Evaluation of silage
inoculants; * Preservation of forages. | | DNkosi@arc.agric.za | (012) 672 9300 | Irene, Pretoria |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Apples | * Breeding, genetics and evaluation
| | MeintjiesI@arc.agric.za | (012) 808 8000 | Roodeplaat, Pretoria |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Biotechnology | Apricots | | | SafodienS@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3481 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Apricots | | | PieterseW@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3494 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Apricots | * Breeding, genetics and evaluation
| | MeintjiesI@arc.agric.za | (012) 808 8000 | Roodeplaat, Pretoria |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Public Relations Officer | Enquiries | Public Relations Officer
| | infocape@arc.agric.za | 021 8093100 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Fruit | | | PetersenY@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3479 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Fruit | * Fungal & root diseases; * Bud fertility (diagnostic services).
| | smitl@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3484 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Fruit | | | KnoetzeR@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3461 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Fruit | | | MatroseN@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3453 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Fruit | * Mealybug pheromone trap counts
| | WilliamsL@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3425 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Fruit | | | KnipeM@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3463 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Fruit | * Fungal & root diseases; * Bud fertility (diagnostic services) | | SmitL@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3484 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Fruit | * Agricultural Proteomics
| | belayz@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3030 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Fruit | * Biochemistry & Nutraceutical development processes
| | humanc@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3416 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Fruit | * Phytochemical molecules e.g phenolic
| | DBeerD@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3449 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Fruit | * Fruit, fruit juice & alcoholic beverage polyphenol profiling (Chemistry)
| | jollyn@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3060 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Fruit | * Post-Harvest technology
| | LotzE@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3415 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Irrigation | Fruit | * Irrigation scheduling recommendation for deciduous fruit
| | VolschenkT@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3345 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Post-harvest/Agro-processing | Genebanks | * Yeast genebank curator & ARC INF_NVB genebank coordinator; * Wine and Olive
Microbiological research.
| | HoffJ@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3168 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Protection | Grapes | * Table Grapes - Breeding and Genetics
| | BurgerP@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3021 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Grapes | * Table Grape Evaluation
| | NiewenhuysA@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3017 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Pests and Diseases | Grapes | * Pest/disease management on table and dried grapes
| | AvenantJ@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3012 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Wine/Cellar Technology | Grapes | * Chemical pesticides & Wine Analytics
| | VBredaV@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3039 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Irrigation | Grapes | * Irrigation scheduling recommendation for wine grapes
| | howellc@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3343 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Nectarines | | | PieterseW@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3494 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Nectarines | * Breeding, genetics and evaluation
| | MeintjiesI@arc.agric.za | (012) 808 8000 | Roodeplaat, Pretoria |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Nectarines | | | BooiS@arc.agric.za | (021) 874 8209 | Stellenbosch |
| Deciduous Fruit, Vines and Wine | Crop Development | Olives | | | Niewenhuysa@arc.agric.za | (021) 809 3107 | Stellenbosch |