Dolichodorus miradvulvus

Globadera rostochiensis

Helicotylenchus curatus

Ogma palmatum

The National Collection of Nematodes is the largest nematode reference collection in Africa and compares well with other important international collections. The collection of fully digitised and contain 7209 type specimens.

National Collection of Nematodes (NCN)

​The National Collection of Nematodes was established in 1955 by the late Prof Juan Heyns during his tenure at the Plant Protection Research Institute.  The collection was started as a reference source due to the economic significance of nematodes in agriculture. Since then, the collection has grown substantially and is now the largest nematode reference collection in Africa. It currently houses 205 284 specimens, preserved on 51 321 microscope slides, representing 314 genera and 1 395 species of free-living, plant-parasitic and entomophathogenic nematodes from various parts of the world. Over  7 000 type specimens are also housed here, including 422 holotypes and 6 771 paratypes. Housed separately within the Nematology Unit are two collections, namely the Meloidogyne and Juan Heyns Collections.

Meloidogyne Collection

​The Meloidogyne collection was established in 1981 and consists of 14 750 slide-mounted specimens from various countries (approximately 59 000 specimens). A survey undertaken in the 1980s to establish the distribution of Meloidogyne in South Africa culminated in a monograph on Meloidogyne in South Africa published in 1991. The specimens collected during this survey are deposited in the Meloidogyne collection.

Juan Heyns Collection

​This collection, previously known as the Rand Afrikaans University Collection, was established by the late Prof Juan Heyns during his time at the university. This  comprehensive collection contains 7 300 slides, representing about 21 900 specimens of plant-, as well as free-living and aquatic nematodes.