South Africa, 33 have a wider distribution throughout the Afrotropical Region
and three are cosmopolitan.
Pseudoscorpions are commonly found, but not easily seen because
of their small size (2-5 mm) and secretive habits. They resemble scorpions but
do not have a tail. The smaller forms live in debris and plant humus while the
larger forms are found under bark, in trees or under rocks. A few species are
arboreal and commonly found on trees. Several species have a phagophilous
relationship with other animals. They are frequently collected from guano from
mammal and bird retreats. Some species are phoretic and carried around by
insects such as bees, beetles and flies. A few species are synanthropic and
found in houses. Although Pseudoscorpions have a
wide distributed throughout South Africa they are more commonly found in the
more humid south and eastern parts of the country. KwaZulu-Natal has
representatives of 14 families, the Western Cape 12, the Eastern Cape 8 and
Mpumalanga 7. No pseudoscorpions are protected. They are difficult to collect
and therefore not endangered by collectors. They are however endangered by
pollution and habitat destruction. For more information on the pseudoscorpions of South Africa see the following
Dippenaar-Schoeman, A.S. & Harvey, M.
2000. A check list of the pseudoscorpions of South Africa (Arachnida:
Pseudoscorpiones). Koedoe 43: 89-102. <<< Back to Arachnida Research |