Tick-borne diseases are prevalent over a large area of the eastern region of South Africa with 35%, 54% and 12% of the national herd of some 15 million cattle, 6 million goats and 25 millio sheep respectively being at risk to heartwater; 35% of cattle being at risk to redwater and 50% of cattle at risk to anaplasmosis (gallsickness). A major defence against these diseases are the tick-borne disease blood vaccines produced routinely by the Programme. Indications are that heartwater is encroaching into the western regions of North West Province; that African redwater may expand into the central and southern Free State; that acaricide resistance is on the increase and that Asiatic redwater remains a major problem in the areas of its vector distribution, especially with calf mortalities being experienced. It is thus imperative that these vaccines remain in the national arsenal as an aid to mitigate and manage these diseases by means ofeffective vaccination procedures.

The Project's main ​​objectives are the production and improveme​nt of four live blood vaccines (African and Asiatic Redwater, Anaplasmosis and Heartwater) against these economically important Transboundary animal diseases, ensuring their efficacy​ and safety. Vaccine is produced by the ARC and marketed by Onderstepoort Biological Produc​​ts (OBP)​.


Mr Christo Troskie

Tel: +27 (0)12 529 ​9436​

​Email: TroskieC@arc.agric.za ​


Tick-borne disease vaccines: Frequently asked questionsp​df​​

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Tick-borne Vaccines B.png
B Bovis

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