Establishment and maintenance of fruit production areas free and under low prevalence of fruit fly pests in Southern Africa
Stellenbosch University (SU), Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, Faculty of AgriSciences, South Africa. Contact: Prof Pia Addison.
Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU), Faculty of Agronomy and Forest Engineering, Mozambique. Contacts: Prof Domingos R. Cugala and Dr Laura Canhanga.
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, National Directorate of Agriculture and Silviculture, Department of Plant Protection (DSV)., Mozambique. Contact: Mrs Antonia Vaz.
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, Rural Development (DALRRD), South Africa, Directorate Plant Health, South Africa. Contact: Mr Jan Hendrik Venter.
Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), Department of Biology, Belgium. Contact: Dr Marc De Meyer.
Citrus Research International (CRI), South Africa. Contact: Dr Aruna Manrakhan.