Establishment and maintenance of fruit production areas free and under low prevalence of fruit fly pests in Southern Africa

Key Objective & Expected Outputs


The main objective of the project is to establish and develop a framework for mai​ntenance of areas free and under low prevalence of fruit fly pests in South Africa and Mozambique.

The expected outputs are:

  • Established Pest Free Areas (PFAs) in South Africa and Mozambique for target fruit fly species;

  • Scientifically based evidence for specified low fruit fly prevalence levels for target fruit fly pests;

  • Established Areas of Low Pest Prevalence (ALPPs) in South Africa and Mozambique for target fruit fly species;

  • Operational database platform for determination of fruit fly status in different regions in South Africa and Mozambique;

  • Identification protocol and service for rapid and unambiguous recognition of fruit fly pests and related taxa; and

  • Financial model for maintenance of PFAs and ALPPs for target fruit fly pests.​

Online training on handling and identification of fruit flies  Link to YouTube channel​​​


Mobile Application - Key selected ​fruitflies Africa



The mobile application can be installed on smartphones. 

The key is downloadable for free. 

See links below:



Mobile Application - Key fruit fly larvae of economic importance 



The mobile application can be installed on  android phones.