Agriculture plays a crucial role in the SADC regional economy, contributing 35% to its gross domestic product and serving as a vital source of food, income, and employment for approximately 70% of the population (RISDP, undated). However, the sector is facing significant challenges due to climate change, which threatens food and nutrition security. Recognizing the urgency of finding sustainable solutions, the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of the Republic of South Africa, in collaboration with the University of Eswatini (UNESWA) of the Kingdom of Eswatini and the Zambia College of Agriculture-Monze in Zambia, have embarked on a TEAM3C project. This project, funded by the German development agency (GIZ), aims to develop SADC-based training programs focused on climate-smart agriculture and climate-sensitive natural resource management
Objectives The workshop aims: To introduce the TEAM3C project To create a stakeholder database, and To facilitate their participation in developing the e-learning programs.
Format and Participation The workshop will be a 2-hour virtual engagement on the 30th of May, held via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting Link: Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 368 097 085 280 Passcode: 2CeXCH | | Expected Outcomes
Establishment of a comprehensive stakeholder database across the SADC region. Foster a collaborative network for knowledge sharing and the development of e-learning programs. Promote a participatory approach that incorporates diverse perspectives and expertise. To formulate a SADC stakeholder forum for CSA/NRM
Workshop Participants The workshop is open to individuals and institutions in the fields of agriculture, natural resources management, education, and climate change. The workshop is all-inclusive, and invitees are encouraged to extend the invitation to their own contacts. Enquiries For more information and enquiries, please contact kindly contact Miss Lerato Maboa (, Mr Mthobisi Masilela ( and Dr Cleto Namoobe (
Programme Director, Opening Address and Welcome: Dr Petronella Chaminuka (ARC) Dr Petronella Chaminuka is the Head of the Economic Analysis Unit of the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa. Petronella is energetic and driven by a passion to build capacity for scientific research amongst young scholars and to inspire them to develop emotional intelligence skills. Because of her PhD training in multi-disciplinary research at Wageningen University, Petronella has an interest in a number of research areas related to agricultural economics, including economics of research and technology policy, poverty and livelihoods analysis, and land-use modelling. She has more than 20 years' international work experience in university teaching and research, postgraduate student supervision, and consultancy. Petronella has authored more than 50 publications (journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings) and has participated in various international multi-disciplinary research projects. Her PhD work was awarded funding by the World Conservation Society and the International Foundation for Science (IFS). She is currently serving as a Scaling Advisor for Science on the Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC) scaling-Xchange project. |
Climate Change, CSA & Natural Resources in SADC Region: Professor H.R. Beckedahl (UNESWA, Eswatini)
Prof Heinz Beckedahl is a professor in the Department of Geography, Environmental Science and Planning, University of Eswatini, Eswatini (Swaziland). He is also an Honorary Research Fellow of the School of Agriculture, Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg), and an Extraordinary member of staff (honorary) of the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology, University of Pretoria, South Africa. He has also been honoured by being awarded a Fellowship of the Southern African Association of Geomorphologists in 2019, of which he was the founding president in 1989. He has in excess of 100 publications to his name, including four books. Most recently, he is one of the co-editors of the prestigious book by Springer Nature International Applied Geomorphology and Related Environmental Issues. He has served as resident Guest Professor at four different European Universities, and serves on the editorial board of two international journals. In 2018, he was appointed to the Southern African roster of independent environmental experts of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Further, he has to date supervised in excess of some forty research masters theses; five by coursework and research, and fourteen PhD's, one of which was as co-supervisor with the University of Paderborn, one at the Georg August University in Gottingen, and a further two at the Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany. He retired from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2016, and joined the then University of Swaziland, now the University of Eswatini.
GIZ Climate Change projects in the Region: Ms. Sepo Sitali (GIZ SADC) Ms. Sepo Sitali graduated from Copperbelt University with a barchelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering in 2012. In 2015 she was awarded the Chevening Scholarship to study a Master of Science in Energyand Environment from the University of Leeds and graduated with Distrinction. Currently, Ms. Sepo is the Technical lead for TEAM 3C grant and is serving as Technical Advisor at GIZ where she facilitates the mainstreaming of climate change in the management of natural resources in transboundary conservation areas across Zambia, Malawi, Eswatini, South Africa and Mozambique. Furthermore, she also provides support in resource mobilization and information dissemination on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector in the SADC region. Ms. Sepo has keen interest in climate finance and how it foster sustainable development at national and international level. |
Team 3 C Project Background, Aims and Objectives: Professor Sue Walker (ARC, South Africa)
Prof Sue Walker is a part-time retired Agrometeorology Principal Specialist Researcher at Agricultural Research Council– Natural Resources and Engineering, Pretoria. She is Professor Emeritus in Agromet at University of the Free State, Department of Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences, Bloemfontein, South Africa. She has supervised 22 PhD students and published 116 peer-reviewed scientific articles, many technical reports and made numerous presentations, both in national and international conferences and fora. Her PhD in Plant Physiology on sorghum water stress is from the University of California Davis, USA, following her studies at University of KwaZulu-Natal in Agricultural Meteorology. She develops climate services translating scientific results into useful operational messages, with experience on agrometeorological and development projects, in Southern and East Africa as well as South East Asia. For many years, she has worked together with farming communities using participatory methods to identify limiting factors in farming systems and co-develop interventions to address drought / water-limiting conditions and promote sustainable productivity. She applies evidence-based science to agricultural concerns using crop-climate modelling to develop and apply adaptation strategies to address climate variability, Agromet extension services for farmers, in semi-arid conditions using modern technologies. She has work on under-utilised crops, including field trials and crop modelling to promote wider uptake. She worked at Crops for the Future on the University of Nottingham - Malaysia Campus and led the development of the CropBase information system for under-utilised crops. Prof Sue was Project Leader for 'Rain4Africa' project funded by Netherlands Space Office, and two Climate-Smart Agricultural Training for Extension projects funded by GIZ, as well as the Ecosystem-based Adaptation project in Eastern Cape funded by UNEP. During the Rain4Africa project, "AgriCloud" mobile App and platform was developed to add value to weather and climate information as a climate service, and assist farmers with decision making. Currently she is Project Leader for a Water-Energy-Food Nexus project for the Inkomati-Usuthu catchment that is funded by South African Water Research Commission, as well as "TEAM3C" a GIZ funded project to develop Climate-Smart Agricultural and Natural Resource Management e-learning platform for SADC together with partners from Zambia and Eswatini. Professor Walker is a member of International Commission for Irrigation and Drainage - Working Group on Global Climate Change and Agricultural Water Management. She represented South Africa at World Meteorological Organisation - CAgM from 1998-2014. She was made a Fellow of South African Society of Crop Production, in January 2010 for good service provided to agriculture. She is a B rated scientist with South African National Research Foundation. |
Discussions and Questions: Dr Kwazi Mthokozisi Zuma (ARC, South Africa)
Mthokozisi Kwazi Zuma, PhD, is a highly accomplished professional in Crop Science. He currently manages advisory services in the Smallholder Agricultural Development Unit at the Agricultural Research Council- Central Office. Additionally, he serves as a research fellow in the Division of Human Nutrition at Stellenbosch University. With extensive experience as a facilitator, advisor, and consultant in the agricultural sector, Dr. Zuma has made valuable contributions to interdisciplinary research. His expertise lies in food systems, community nutrition, agronomy, and public health. He has published articles, guided PhD and Masters Students, and played a role in managing the Research Chair in Food Environments, Nutrition, and Health alongside Prof. Xikombiso Mbhenyane. Leading a team in advisory services, Dr. Zuma showcases his exceptional research and managerial skills. He is also the focal point for South Africa in the CAARDESA ICKM, emphasizing his commitment to regional collaboration and knowledge management in agriculture. Overall, Dr. Mthokozisi Kwazi Zuma is a distinguished professional who continues to excel in the field of agricultural research, community nutrition, and public health. |
CSA and NRM in SADC Region: Dr Sizwe Mabaso (UNESWA, Eswatini)
Dr Sizwe Mabaso is a Lecturer and HoD of the Department of Geography, Environmental Science & Planning (GEP), under the Faculty of Science & Engineering, at the University of Eswatini. Also serving as the Director for Sustainable Futures Global Network, Eswatini Hub that is currently housed in the GEP Department, UNESWA. Specialising in GIS, Remote Sensing, Cartography and Surveying. Holds a PhD degree in Remote Sensing and GIS from Aberystwyth University, under the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences (DGES). Also holds a MSc. degree from Aberystwyth University in GIS and Remote Sensing. Dr Mabaso is also a greenhouse gases (GHGs) national expert for the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFOLU Sector), with extensive training from UFCCC, and continues to vastly contribute to the web of science, national government, society and communities through research and consultancy. |
e-Learning for SADC Region: Mr Bornwell Mupeyo (ZCA-Monze Zambia)
Mr. Bornwell Mupeyo is the Vice Principal of the Zambia College of Agriculture - Monze. He holds a master's degree in animal science, a bachelor's degree in agricultural science (animal science major), and a diploma in agricultural science (animal science major). Mr. Mupeyo has 30 years of continuous professional experience in the public service, 25 of which were at senior levels in training institutions as Head of Department and later as Vice Principal. During the thirty (30) years in public service, he has acquired the appropriate human, technical and conceptual skills. Mr. Mupeyo has extensive experience in e-learning, having taught at various universities using different online modes. He is also committed to environmental protection and an avid researcher. |
Way Forward including a Forum for networking
about e-Learning for CSA and NRM across the SADC region: Ms. Thembi Ngotho
(ARC, South Africa)
Ms Ngotho (nѐѐ Ngcobo), has been active in the agricultural research, extension and development industry for over 20 years, performing different functions at NGO, academia and para-statal agencies. She holds a Bachelor of Applied Sciences; Systems Agriculture from the University of Western Sydney and Masters in Management of Development, Specializing in; Training, Rural Extension and Transformation, from the Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen, Netherlands. She is presently the Training Manager at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC); working under the Smallholder Agricultural Development unit. She is a member of the South African Society for Agricultural Extension (SASAE), serving in the Central Branch Management Committee as a secretary and the National Board. She is registered with the South African Council for Natural and Scientific Professions (SACNASP) as an Extension Scientist. Ms Ngotho has served in the adjudication of extension and advisory services at both provincial (Limpopo and Gauteng) and national for the past four years. She is the secretary for the South African Forum for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services (SAFAEAS) and a Focal Point for South Africa. |
Closing Remarks: Dr Mandla Mlipha (UNESWA)
Mandla Mlipha, (PhD) is a senior lecturer in the department of Geography, Environmental Science and Planning in the University of Eswatini. His main activities include provision of lectures to both undergraduate and postgraduate students in mainly human geography courses; supervision of both undergraduate and postgraduate students' research; conducting individual and group research for publication in various geographical fields; and undertaking community outreach projects. Dr Mlipha area of research is sustainable agriculture among small-scale farmers with interest on climate smart agricultural (CSA) technologies mainly focusing on conservation agriculture (CA). Currently, have edited three books and published more than thirty articles in books and journals. He has conducted 15 consultancies for locally based UN agencies, government departments and state owned enterprises where I was either the lead consultant or sole consultant. Dr Mlipha is currently attached to the World Bank as Short Term Consultant (STC) since 2020 to date albeit on part-time basis. Since 2000 he has led eight externally funded academic and community development projects. In the university he holds a number of leadership positions including being a member of the University Council, member of University Senate, acting Dean of Faculty and Head of Department. Outside the university has been appointed into Boards of Directors for various institutions either as chairman or member. |