​​​​​​​​​​The Soil, Climate and Water business unit follows a holistic approach towards natural resources utilization and conservation.
It therefore promotes and collaborates in multi-institutional, cross-sectoral, bilateral and multi-lateral research teams.
Its researchers are trained and experienced in project management and planning, and in teamwork.


Research Programmes

Agrometeorology-top.jpg  AgrometeorologyGeoinformation-top.jpg   Geoinformation Science
SoilScience-top.jpg  Soil Science and Analytical Services WaterScience-top.jpg  Water Science

Dr Maila Snr. Manager Research ARC-NRE March 2024 (3).jpg

Dr. Mphekgo Maila
Senior Manager: Research

Email: MailaM@arc.agric.za
Tel: +27 (0)12 310 2648
Fax: +27 (0)12 323 1157

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expert.jpgThis business unit has a proud history of successful formal agreements with national and international initiatives, and actively participates in formal ARC cooperation agreements with other countries. It hosts international and national symposia and is experienced in facilitating workshops and problem analysis.

The strength of the Soil, Climate and Water business unit lies in its multidisciplinary approach, scientific excellence, breadth and depth of scientific and technological skills, and in its capacity to draw on a wide range of key disciplines required to provide holistic, innovative solutions to clients with respect to sustainable land use, the conservation of the natural resources and environm​ental quality.

Soil, Climate and Water (SCW) is the oldest of the eleven campuses of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of South Africa. ARC-SCW was established in 1902 and celebrated its Centenary during 2002. This business unit functions under the ARC Core Business Division: Research and Innovation Systems. As reflected in its name, Soil, Climate and Water's mandate concerns the sustainable and integrated use and management of the natural resources soil, climate and water.​

UMLINDI, ISSUE 2024-12​, December 2024

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​​Postal Address


Private Bag X79

Pretoria, 0001

​General Enquiries

Tel: +27 (0)12 310 2500

Fax: +27 (0)12 323 1157

E-Mail: AdriL@arc.agric.za

​​Physical Address


600 Belvedere Street

Arcadia, 0083

​GPS Coordinates

25° 44' 19.4" S

28° 12' 26.4" E​