​​​VeldManagement.jpgNatural veld (rangelands) and pastures form the basis of livestock production in South Africa and generally provide the least expensive feed source for cattle. Veld management systems are vulnerable to both climate variability and climate change, mainly because of the fact that rainfall and temperature are key determinants of veld productivity. High inter-annual (viz. year-to-year) climate variability creates large fluctuations in forage supply, and thus represents a challenge for livestock management. In particular, higher temperatures combined with drought have significant forage quality and quantity. In addition to climatic parameters (i.e rainfall and temperature), it is important to note that the productivity of veld will also be influenced by the combined impact of grazing and stocking strategies, as well as other decision-making factors that enhances livestock production in a changing climate. Climate-smart veld management practices are based on the adoption of veld management principles as primary tool for managing livestock in a changing environment which include: conducting veld condition assessment, determining stocking rate (livestock unit (LSU)/hectare (ha)) and grazing capacity determination (Ha/LSU) and fodder flow planning.

Visual Veld Condition Assessment Tool (VCAT) V1.1 FORM .pdf