​​SummerGrains.jpgSince grain crop production in South Africa is found in semi-arid, arid areas of the country, the productions are therefore affected by a low, unreliable, single seasonal rainfall regime with large variability in both time and space, which requires particular focus on soil water storage and water use efficiency. Climatic constraints such as high summer temperatures, low, erratic rainfall and high evaporation rates often the constraints to optimum crop yields and sometimes can cause total crop failures. Climate variability and climate change occurrences do not make the farming practices easy in these regions. Over the years, the unpredictability of the climatic condition does not make these areas conducive for cultivation of any of these grain crops which resulted in decrease in the total land area cultivated. In this module Extension Practitioners (EPs) and farmer will be acquainted with the importance of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) to grain crops production. Demonstrate full understanding of the value of conservation agriculture (CA) as a climate smart agriculture (CSA) relevant system.  Also, they should be able to engage CSA knowledge to advise farmers to solve problems or address production challenges that are weather, climate, crop, soil and or more than one of these related. 

CSA Training C1 GC Module 1.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 10.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 11.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 12.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 2.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 3.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 4.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 5.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 6.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 7.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 8.pdf
CSA Training_C1_GC Module 9.pdf
WRC-Covid Implications Walker 20 Foodsecurity Livelihoods Covid - final-compress.pdf