SmallStock.jpgClimate change is a worldwide phenomenon, which is characterized by events such as increasing incidences of heat waves, droughts, floods and storms, which may lead to disastrous consequences. These events have a negative effect in livestock farming sector. In order to understand the effect or impact of climate change on small ruminant production (i.e. sheep and goats), it is critically important firstly to define climate change. The change of climate will have an adverse effect on livestock production, hence this module ​ will look at how the changing climate affect small ruminants (sheep and goats) production as well as to provide mitigation and adaptation options. Temperature affects most of the critical factors for livestock production, such as water availability, animal production, reproduction and health. Forage quantity and quality are affected by a combination of increases in temperature, Carbon dioxide (CO2) and variation in rainfall. ​​The concept will provide information on Feeding and nutrition, Energy, Water shortage and quality, Reducing greenhouse gas emission from livestock and modification of the environment.​

12-Sheep and Goat production.pdf