
The net effect of climate change on crop yields and quality depends on the interactions of all these factors and lead to increased cost of inputs as adaptation and mitigation measures are adopted. Climate-change-induced temperature increases were estimated to reduce wheat production in developing countries by 20-30%. The low productivity (2t/ha) in the region is principally because of abiotic (drought and heat) and biotic (yellow rust, stem rust, septoria and fusarium) stresses which are increasing in intensity and frequency associated with climate change. To adapt and mitigate climate change, its impact on crop production need to be understood. The following section explains how climate change affects wheat production. Climate change affects the health of the soil on which crops thrive, pests, pathogens and weeds distribution and occurrence which in turn affects wheat development, yield and quality. The module contains information on: wheat development, yield and grain quality, soil health and crop pests and pathogens (insect pests, diseases and weeds).

5-Wheat production.pdf