​​​fruit.jpg ​The agriculture sector is increasingly vulnerable to population growth, high input costs, climate variability and climate change across the whole of South Africa. Agricultural production varies significantly from year to year due mainly to climate risks that affect the country. Examples of changes in climatic conditions that influence crop systems include: rain quantity and distribution and consequently water availability; extreme events, such as floods and droughts; higher temperatures; shifting seasons which all impact significantly on fruit production. The frequencies, means, extremes, deviations, exceedance of thresholds, spatial variability and trends of agro-climatological parameters are important for assessing and managing agricultural risk. Furthermore, with climate-related changes pertaining to both temperature and rainfall across South Africa resulting in altered agri-ecozones. Crops, which are currently suited to cultivation in particular areas may no longer be suitable and additional crop types may become suitable for cultivation in areas in which they are currently not suited. These effects have already become noticeable in the subtropical regions.  ​

Water Basin for water consevation, CSA Crops_Fruit, Mgijima B.zip
Woodchips Mulching of apples, CSA Crops_Fruit, T Nameka, EC.mp4