DairyProd.jpgClimate change affects each area and each dairy farm in a different way. Dairy climate-smart approaches are specific to site and context and there is not a unique or even one set of solutions that fits all situations. Nonetheless, we can define some general principles to follow, and we can give examples that readers could adapt to suit their particular circumstances. Dairy production is likely to be adversely affected by climate change, competition for land and water, and food security at a time when it is most needed.  At the same time, climate change will affect livestock production through competition for natural resources, quantity and quality of feeds, livestock diseases, heat stress and biodiversity loss while the demand for livestock products are expected to double by the middle of the 21st century. Therefore, the challenge is to maintain a balance between productivity, household food security, environmental preservation and animal welfare. Relatively high levels of milk production can be achieved by giving careful attention to different practices and implementing adequate and specific management systems concerning feeding practices, use of available facilities and good sanitation. This concept serves as practical guide for dairy production, covering some important aspects of practical dairy production. Climate-smart dairy practices will be of importance in order to contribute to the general effort of mitigating the effects of climate change and reduce global warming. 

9_Dairy production.pdf