Agrometeorology.jpgAgrometeorology is the study of the influence of the weather and the climate on agriculture.  The purpose of this module is an introduction to the terms and parameters used when describing weather and climate. The meteorological parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind, and solar radiation will be defined and discussed and the instruments used at a weather station to measure them described. As meteorological parameters influence each other, the inter-relationship will be described. ​This concept aims to increase the participants' understanding and knowledge of weather patterns and trends for South Africa and climate conditions for selected provinces. This kind of knowledge shall lead to better understanding of the causes of climate change, provide better understanding of climate variability in order to improve decision making and understanding of agro-ecosystems.

CSA Training_Agromet Module 1.pdf
CSA Training_Agromet Module 2 and 4.pdf
CSA Training_Agromet Module 3.pdf
CSA Training_Agromet Module 5.pdf
Walker 18 - Response Farming App - Nov-2018-pdf.pdf
Walker 19 AgriCloud Service with AquaCrop - R4A project - Dec2019.pdf
Walker 20 AgMIP- Shocks and Resilience Breakouts- FARMING Systems - Climate Water.pdf
Walker 20 AgriCloud - GDARD AgTech OCtober 2020.pdf
Walker 20 Agromet w Farmers SFS - Oxford Real Farming Confernce - Jan 2021.pdf
Walker 2019-12 FAO Tunisia -Climate Smart Agric Interventions.pdf
Walker- 2020 AAT-ClCh ARC experience -16 Jan 2020=no Video-compress.pdf
Walker- 2020 WEF-Nexus- CrocCatchment Meet Sept-2020-2.pdf
Walker- 2020 WEF-Nexus- Regional SADC March 2020-final.pdf
Walker- 2020-Interventions Cl Ch Adaptation-17-07-2020.pdf
Walker- 2021 IoT Precision Irrigation- India 4-3-2021.pdf
Walker- 2021 Stigter - agromet for extension Farmers 14-10-2021-Final.pdf
Zimb Walker- 2020-Interventions Cl Ch Adaptation-5.ppt