
​Die belangrikste inligting wat in ag geneem moet word ten opsigte van  kultivarkeuse by sojabone, is lengte van groeiseisoen. Anders as by die meeste algemeen verboude gewasse, is sojabone gevoelig vir daglengte en sal ‘n gegewe kultivar al hoe later ryp word hoe verder suid dit in Suider Afrika geplant word. Vir dieselfde rede sal plantdatum ook die lengte van die groeiseisoen beïnvloed en sal ‘n gegewe kultivar heelwat gouer blom by ‘n later plantdatum.

​The length of the growing season is the most important characteristic to take into consideration in terms of cultivar choice for soybean.  Unlike the other most commonly cultivated crops, soybean are sensitive to day length and a given cultivar will ripen later and result in  a longer growing season the further south it is planted in Southern Africa.  Planting dates will therefore also influence the length of the growing season and a given cultivar will flower much earlier should it be planted at a later planting date. 

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