
Groundnut Cultivar Evaluation Report 2020/21

Since the 2006/07 season the National Groundnut Cultivar trials were conducted within the groundnut production areas of South Africa. The last evaluation was conducted during the 2011/12 season after which these trials were replaced by the Evaluation trials of registered cultivars and international cultivars being tested for adaptation to South African conditions. An initiative from the groundnut industry initiated the 2016/2017 National groundnut cultivar evaluation where current locally registered cultivars from different companies as well as some breeding lines from the ARC was tested within the groundnut production areas of South Africa. The most outstanding cultivar which performed well under both dryland and irrigation conditions, across the groundnut production area of South Africa is ARC-SelliePlus. The information contained within this report is of great importance for the Groundnut Industry as this information is necessary by producer to do cultivar selection as well as for the seed producers to establish areas in which cultivars performs.    

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