Intensive Red Meat Production (IRMP)

This unit combines the activities of the Beef Cattle Nutrition group (one scientist, one technician and 7 support staff) with one researcher and one technician from the Meat Production and Carcass Evaluation group.

The following people make up the IRMP group:

    • Dr Phillip E Strydom (Researcher: Meat Science)

    • Mr Moses Ratsaka (Researcher: Beef cattle nutrition)

    • Mr Klaas-Jan Leeuw (Researcher: Beef cattle nutrition)

    • Support staff complement: 7 people

​ ​ ​ ​ ​Food Science and Technology
Dairy Technology
Meat Technology
Slaughter and Carcass Evaluation

This group does research, technology development and technology transfer to improve the efficiency, quality and safety of red meat produced in Southern African feedlots. We have a modern research feedlot with 48 pens, each holding ten animals. We also have 105 individual stanchions for data collection on individual animals. Our Meat Industry Centre is equipped with a D15 experimental abattoir that facilitates specialised research techniques or procedures that could otherwise not be performed in normal commercial abattoirs and provides a controlled environment for researchers to standardise procedures. Our program is run by dedicated, well-trained and experienced scientists, technicians and support personnel, backed by competent meat processing, analytical and microbiological laboratories. Furthermore, we present short courses and do least cost diet formulations, diet evaluations, feasibility studies and business planning.


We do client specific research where we are able to measure performance parameters such as growth, feed intake, carcass weight and carcass classification, from these we determine feed conversion and carcass characteristics. A Rand value can be placed on these parameters and the products like feed additives or medicinal treatments tested can be evaluated in terms of economic benefit below or above a set standard. A recent tested feed additive improved dressing % by more than 2 %, resulting in a higher carcass yield and income for the producer. Meat quality and consumer safety issues are addressed by the group, and taste panel evaluations are done to ensure consumer acceptability.


Animal experiments and meat quality evaluations are done on a client specific base and the execution of these experiments in terms of cost need to be negotiated.

The well attended feedlot course, which had more than 400 participants was cancelled. However, the course did result in a book which is now available at our library bookshop.

Diet formulation will cost R 300.00 per diet, and consultations will cost from R 300.00 depending on the amount of time spend.


Contact us:

TelephoneFax.E-mail address
Dr Phillip Strydom012 672 9340012 665 1551
Mr Moses Ratsaka012 672 9306012 665 1603
Mr Klaas-Jan Leeuw012 672 9320 012 665 1603


Scientific publications:

STRYDOM, P.E., NAUDÉ R.T, SCHOLTZ, M.M & VAN WYK, J.B., 2000. Characterisation of Indigenous Cattle Breeds in relation to Carcass Characteristics. Anim. Prod. 70, 241-252

STRYDOM, P.E., NAUDÉ R.T, SCHOLTZ, M.M & VAN WYK, J.B., 2000. Characterisation of Indigenous Cattle Breeds in relation to Meat Quality Characteristics. Meat Sci. 55, 79-88

STRYDOM, P.E., NAUDÉ R.T, SCHOLTZ, M.M & VAN WYK, J.B., 2000. Genetic distances and relationships in production and product traits between subpopulations of Bonsmara and Nguni cattle breeds. (accepted for publication, S.A. J. Anim. Prod.

STRYDOM, P.E., 1995. The role of genotype and physiological type of an animal on an increased meat yield. J. Zimbabwe Soc. Anim. Prod. 7, 89.

STRYDOM, P.E. & BUYS, E.M. 1995. A pilot study on the effects of spray-chilling on carcass mass loss and surface bacteriology. Meat Sci. 39, 265 - 276.

Popular Publications (semi-scientific)

STRYDOM, P.E., DE BRUYN, J.F., VERMEULEN, J.H., & NEL, E., 1995. Produksie- en produkeienskappe van 2 bouvormtipes van die Afrikaner Beesras. Afrikaner Joernaal. Desember 1995.

STRYDOM, P. E., VERMEULEN, J.H., & NEL, E. 1997. Dorpers: Carcass facts. Large frames or compact frames. Farmers Weekly/ Boere-weekblad, 30 May 1997.

DE BRUYN, J.F., STRYDOM, P.E. & BUYS, E.M., 1995. Vooraf geslag nie beter as lewend vervoer deur Jan Cilliers. Landbouweekblad, 15 Desember 1995, p32.

STRYDOM, P.E., 1999. Can we satisfy the red meat consumer. Afrikaner Journal, Vol. 45, Dec 1999.

STRYDOM, P.E., 2000. Satisfying the red meat consumer: Is genetics important ?. Santa Gertrudis Journal, 2000.

STRYDOM, P.E., 2000. Some aspects involved in meat quality. Brahman Journal, Vol. 20 (1).

STRYDOM, P.E., 2000. Satisfying the beef consumer: Opportunity or embarrassment. Shaping a dynamic Namibian meat industry. Meat Board of Namibia

STRYDOM, P.E., 1999. Some aspects involved in meat tenderness. Newsletter of the National Cattle Performance Testing Scheme. No83, May 1999.

HOLLOWAY, J. W., WARRINGTON, B. G. & STRYDOM, .P.E. 2000. Beef Quality of Bonsmara Cattle. BOTTOM LINE – a bulletin of the Texas A&M Agricultural Research and Extension Centre, Uvalde.

Congress Proceedings

STRYDOM, P.E. & KOTZé, A., 1997. Genetic and phenotypic relationships between subpopulations of the Bonsmara cattle. Proc. of 43rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 27 July to 1 August, p342 (C46).

STRYDOM, P.E. OSLER, E.A., LEEUW, K-J. & NEL, E., 1998. The effect of supplememtation period of a ß-agonist (Zilpaterol) on growth performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics. Proc. of 44rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 30 August to 5 August.

STRYDOM, P.E. OSLER, E.A., LEEUW, K-J. & NEL, E., 1999. The effect of supplementation period of a beta-agonist (Zilpaterol), electrical stimulation and ageing period on meat quality characteristics. . Proc. of 45rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan, 31 July to 6 August.

STRYDOM, P.E., 1995. The role of genotype and physiological type of an animal on an increased meat yield. 1st Meat Science Symposium of the Zimbabwe Society for Animal Production. Harare, 5 October 1995.

STRYDOM, P.E., BUYS, E.M. & STRYDOM, H.F., 2000. The effect a beta-agonist (zilpaterol) on meat colour shelf life. Proc. of 46th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 27 August to 1 September.

STRYDOM, P.E. & BUYS, E.M., 2000. The effect of early weaning and intensive feeding on meat quality of beef cattle. Proc. of 46th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 27 August to 1 September.